Avoiding LASIK Complications

LASIK 101 Reminder: LASIK surgery is one of the safest of all surgical procedures.

There are four primary factors which DECREASE your probability of complications.  They are:








Pre and post


The experienced LASIK surgeon

The best eye surgeons are so well trained that after thousands of surgeries, they know exactly how to avoid other complications like over-corrected or under-corrected vision.  If the surgeon does ask you for additional testing to be performed prior to surgery, this is often the reason why.  They want to make sure they are getting it right and all testing is synchronized perfectly so you have the best outcomes.

Lasik Technology

The technology used is extremely important

Ideally, you want Topography guided Lasik.  This is a proprietary approach for measuring optical distortions in the eye.  The advanced capability of the Wavefront-guided laser has statistically significant better outcome for reducing night time vision issues and better sight sharpness.

You also want your surgeon to use a computer activated and controlled excimer cold laser.  This helps reduce the possibility of issues in multiple ways.  First, the sensing mechanism in the advanced cold laser moves 15X faster than your eye. As soon as it senses movement, it stops.  Second, the cold cut of the excimer has less of a chance of inflammation since it is using less heat.


The surgical center also plays a role in your outcomes.

Who is in charge of the surgical center? Did you meet them? Do they have strict protocols they insist upon? The environment must be a sterile environment and be certified as such.

With these safeguards in place the probability of having any complication at all is a fraction of 1%. LASIK is one of the safest or all surgical procedures.  The very infrequently reported complications are:

  • Over-corrected or under-corrected vision
  • Corneal haze or glare
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Infection
Lasik Surgery Facilities

Pre- and post-operation guidance

In the consult prior to surgery, you should be checked for  dry eyes and any history of dry eyes. If you have dry eyes, the surgeon will take measures to improve your dry eyes prior to surgery.

As a precaution to dry eyes after surgery, most premium LASIK centers will start you on dry eye drops prior to surgery.

Your provider should also take a very thorough eye history about any injuries or infections.  It is also not unusual for LASIK providers to start you on eye drop antibiotics a couple days prior to surgery and then after surgery as another precautionary measure.

While Lasik is incredibly safe, many people understandably feel some anxiety about any type of procedure on their eyes. To help with this anxiety your surgeon will typically give you a mild sedative to help relax you.

The LASIK post-operative guidance should also include medication to help you sleep after surgery and very strict instructions about not touching your eyes.  The primary reason is if you do, you may wrinkle the flap that was created. The flap could then heal improperly causing the need for an enhancement procedure.  Also, as you would expect, no sky diving, skiing, scuba, wind surfing or any activity that create unnecessary straining or friction against your eyes from 1-4 weeks depending upon the type of activity.

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No matter what your journey, we wish you the safest LASIK Eye Surgery experience!

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