What is a LASIK Consultation?

A LASIK consultation determines if you are a good candiate for LASIK surgery.  This consultation should always include diagnostic testing, an Optometrist evaluation and a final determination by the Surgeon as to what is best for you.

For a variety of reasons, many people are not good candidates for Lasik Eye Surgery.  The only way to conclusively find out is if you have a Lasik Eye exam.  This is different than the exams provided by your optometrist.  The one point of overlap with your Optometrist is the Lasik consultant will confirm your prescription.  They will also ask questions to help determine the rate at which your eyes may be changing.

There are several key points in a good Lasik consult. The Lasik exam should take about an hour.

All good consults will start with a review of your intake form and personal information.  This will include your current vision issues, the outcomes you are seeking, how active you are, and the types of physical activities you enjoy that may affect your eyes.  This information will help determine if you are a candidate, and if so, for what type of Lasik procedure.

The testing should always include a thorough mapping of the topography of your eye

Every eye is unique and has its own anomalies.  This mapping not only helps to guide the laser but helps decide if your eyes are within the tolerances necessary to attain the outcomes you seek. Occasionally, we have seen where one eye is a great candidate for Lasik and the other is not.  Don’t be alarmed, this is not unusual.

LASIK provider near me

All testing is reviewed immediately by the attending doctor who will have a conversation with you about the test results. If appropriate, they will explain what type of Lasik procedure would be best for you.

If you then wish to proceed with Lasik surgery they will schedule you for a full eye dilation previous to the surgery to make sure they have not missed anything.  This is usually performed by your regular Optometrist or it can be provided by the Lasik surgeon’s onsite Optometrist as well.

Following the sharing of the information with you, the Lasik consultant will then review all surgical procedures, surgical timing, final pricing and pre-operative and post-operative protocols.  The entire consult usually takes about an hour if you completed your paperwork in advance.

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No matter what your journey, we wish you the safest LASIK Eye Surgery experience!

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